The Old-Timers Release Single “For the Love of Hippos”

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The Old-timers announce the release of their single “For the Love of Hippos”.  All proceeds from this release go to help a family who are much in need right now. We’ve chosen to respect their privacy, but just because they remain nameless doesn’t mean they are faceless.  Please pray for them.

Formed by good friends Dave (vocals) & Don (guitars), Dave is originally from England and moved to South Africa with his family in late 2009 as full time missionaries, working with the needy and underprivileged in prisons, on the streets, and in schools.  Don is a native of South Africa, who hosts a radio program called “JCHC Slam and Dance Show” which plays hard Christian music from all around the globe, as well as interviews bands and individuals within that scene regarding their music or ministries and missionary work within the scene.  Rounding out this bunch of geriatric rascals is their US based drummer Matt, who pounds supercharged beats to underpin the mayhem.

Released jointly by Thumper Punk Records and Veritas Vinyl.  Digital versions are available through iTunes, AmazonMP3 and most other digital retailers.

No Hippos were hurt in the production of this song.