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Bill Mallonee Releases a New 5-Song Christmas-Themed EP

December 16, 2013

Starlight O’er High Desert, the 5 song download album, is out NOW! I am very excited about this one! It is a full-band album (like Dolorosa was.) This 5 song download is a mere $8.50. Recorded over a three week period, Starlight O’er High Desert is driven by big themes & rock sensibilities. It is lush & layer in it’s guitar, bass, keyboard & drum driven instrumentation. It is lyrically reflective, thoughtful & relevant. I think you dig it. Like I said: I am very excited. I think these really are songs you can listen to all year.

The Advent & Christmas season has always served to focus my faith in a diamond-like way. The texts & litugies the Church offers us this time of year speak of God’s risk. They speak of His entry into the world; they speak of light in the face of a darkness, a darkness that man seems incapable of dispersing. They speak of love, justice & compassion, “the weightier matters.” And, the texts speak our new friendship God extends to each and everyone of us. For many reasons, this is our favorite time of year.

In closing, we hope you’ll enjoy the record. Drop us a line here and let us know what you think! Stay in touch. And Thank You for being our “grass-roots!”

We wish you & your loved ones glad tidings and all maner of comfort & joy this Holy Season,
Bill & Muriah”

Sounds Familyre Announces Familyre Christmas Compilations

December 10, 2013

FAQ: When oh when will we be the Familyre Christmas compilations be available again??

A: NOW! That’s right, back by popular demand, all FIVE volumes of A Familyre Christmas are again available for your yuletide listening pleasure.

All comps are on sale for the shockingly low price of $4 a piece, but you can pay more if you want. All proceeds from the sale of the Familyre Christmas compilations will be donated to The Red Cross for the victims of Typhoon Haiyan. In the wise words of Lenny Smith, “Never pass on an opportunity to give”. So listen, buy, share, lend a helping and and spread some Christmas cheer!

FAQ: Will there be a Familyre Christmas Volume 6??

A: YES! All y’all are in for a treat. This year we’re doing something totally different! Totally exciting! Bizarre! Beautiful! Totally INSANE!We’re mounting the first half of Handel’s Messiah: 18 whole movements of Christmas story by a cheerful and motley crew of Familyre Artists and Friends. Yup. You read that right…Handel’s Messiah.

We’re pretty excited to share our take on this extraordinary piece of music. It’s been an undertaking and a half (George Frederick was no slouch), but such a treat to do. There will be all appropriate hoopla and dancing in the streets when it’s released to the wide world, so stay tuned!

With that, we leave you to your week. Be sure to click here and start your Familyre Christmas listening!

Love, peace, and hope,
Everyone at Sounds Familyre

Easter Teeth Signs to Veritas Vinyl, Plans To Release a New CD

December 8, 2013

A gotta-see-it-to-believe-it duo, Easter Teeth is what happens when the Eymann brothers pat their tummies, rub their heads, and smack, shake, or plunk every instrument in sight. It is very sweaty. Starting in 2009, Josh (vocals and drums) and Tim (vocals, bass, keys, and gadgets) set out to convince the world that their two musical loves, Soul and Hardcore, indeed belong together. When joined by friends Scott Lillard on trumpet and Mikie Evans on trombone, that blessed union cannot be torn asunder. Hailing from Goleta, CA, Easter Teeth has played all up and down the West Coast, spreading golden grooves and good times wherever they may roam.

The new CD contains 5 new tracks fresh from the studio, as wells 4 tracks previously released as an ep entitled “Break Out the Knives.” Since the band doesn’t always have the horn section with them live, both the CD and Digital download contain a version with horns and a version without. 18 songs total!

The CD can be pre-ordered from and the digital from It will be available from all the standard digital retailers in January.

Chris Taylor Releases Travelers Hotel

December 3, 2013

“Just before I passed by the Travelers Hotel sign here in downtown San Antonio… I was telling myself that I don’t want to write and record songs anymore. It just seemed silly. I have so many records for you to pick and choose from… so why do you need one more?

Then, I saw the sign: Travelers Hotel.

By the time I got to the car, I had all these characters in my head… these sounds and ideas of sounds. I knew I had to start recording and writing. Oh well…. I guess giving up making music is NOT in the cards for me.

I realized that even though I love you guys…. my fans, friends, supporters, encouragers…. I wasn’t writing this music for you. I was writing it for me! It saves my own life, my sanity, my heartbreak and my own internal struggle in this life.

But the rewarding part of it all is the fact that you guys are right with me and for that – I am so grateful!

This album is officially 12 songs – ending with Forgiveness
But for the digital version I’ve included 3 Bonus Tracks for you as well!
The original 12 songs clock in at 1 hour and 1 minute…. so you are definitely getting the grand tour of Travelers Hotel. “

Fleming & John Record New Song

December 3, 2013

Fleming & John were recently featured on an episode of Find the Beauty:

“Find the Beauty challenges bands and musicians to revisit hit songs of the past and resuscitate them for modern ears. In the process of reclaiming the songs’ inherent beauty, the musicians tap into the hidden artistic expression that allowed the song to connect with audiences in the first place. In this episode, Mr. Lindsay Jamieson brings the duo known as Fleming and John the task of finding the beauty in the 1977 top 20 hit by Joy Sarney called “Naughty, Naughty, Naughty.” Let us know at the end of the video if they found the beauty!”

You can purchase the new song by Fleming & John through iTunes.

Wickeds End Documentary Coming Soon

November 30, 2013

Glenn Rowlands investigates how the Christian metal band, Wickeds End, happened and also how it also seemingly disintegrated.

And How Releases Inchworm

November 29, 2013

Sean Severson, also known as And How, has released a new, free, full-length collection of songs for your listening enjoyment. “These songs were each written late night, every Friday, after work, during “Eastenders” and recorded the following Wednesday evening for 10 weeks straight. This was one of those projects that you find yourself finished with before you really realized that you were working on it.
I love that! I hope you do as well. I think this was a good way to end 2013. Wear your favorite pair of headphones and listen at a pleasant volume. – Cheers”

Steve Taylor & The Perfect Foil. New Album. Really.

November 26, 2013

“Twenty years after Steve Taylor’s last studio album, he’s taking a sabbatical from filmmaking to record all new music with a new band.

Dear Backers-In-Waiting,

Why should I tempt fate and do another Kickstarter project when the last one (“Save Blue Like Jazz”) was so wildly successful it can never be repeated?

Because before I became your 11th favorite filmmaker I was your 8th favorite recording artist, and I know you’ve missed me making music because you wrote and told me on Facebook and why would you lie?

And while it’s true most recording artists get worse as they get older - usually much worse - isn’t it at least statistically possible I may have gotten better?” Read more at the official Kickstarter page. Be sure to catch the hilarious promo video. BTW, I hear the custom painted Jimmy Abegg bass guitar makes a nice gift for your favorite free online zine editors….

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