Basement Tapes alumnus Dw Dunphy is back with his latest collection of tunes for your enjoyment. Dunphy has described The Radial Night as a “song cycle that is, itself, about circles, cycles, patterns, and traps.” That description is really the best starting point. The music style of this album is a good mixture of indie, experimental, progressive, indie, and alternative. In other words, it’s a bit hard to classify. I hear a good dash of Daniel Amos in the mix, too… which doesn’t make it any easier to put in a box. Each song segues into the next with everything from ocean sounds to telephone busy tones, giving the album a conceptual feeling (although the term “song cycle” does fit better). But don’t let all of this give you the impression that this is just weird abstract musical art – many of the songs are pretty catchy with melodies that compel you to sing along. “(It Shouldn’t Be So) Difficult” is one of those songs that get stuck in your head for days to come. Of course, I say that and before you know it a true abstract artistic song like “Mantra” floats along. So there is really both – the art and the melody. I’m impressed by the creativity here, especially for a DIY release. If this was the 80s or 90s, many a record label would be all over this. But, alas, it is the age of a million wannabe amateurs putting out a billion songs on BandCamp that should have stayed locked up in their bedroom, meaning artists like Dunphy will get less attention than they deserve. Give The Radial Night a stream at BandCamp and see what you think.
[2013 Independent | Purchase:]
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