Out of Line: The Roots of Lo Tom And How Amy Started The Whole Sh*t Storm
Lo Tom is indie rock made in a time when pop music is giving rock the throw down. Lo Tom has enough geek-factor in its musical compositions to be both cool and pleasantly complicated. Nowadays, the Christian indie rock scene … Continued
Robert Jeffress and Donald Trump: …an opinion on the need for separation between church and state…
I wrote this back in August and just filed it away. It was in reference to an article I was reading about Pastor Robert Jeffress and Donald Trump (article link found below if interested). I filed this away figuring it … Continued
Down The Line Interview with Frank Schaffer
Frank Schaffer is a name I grew up with. I knew of his reputation mostly from being Francis Schaeffer’s zealous son, who carried on the evangelical tradition with books and films such as “How Should We Then Live?” Even from … Continued
2Minute Minor = Hardcore Punk Done Beautifully
Hardcore punk in the 80s was a big deal. Bands like Minor Threat, Youth of Today, and Gorilla Biscuits were touring like crazy and had more loyalty in their following than any music genre could ever hope for. Hardcore punk’s … Continued
ZAO: …Catching up with drummer Jeff Gretz about the band, and their blistering new EP Pyrrhic Victory…
I think it was back in October when I found out that Zao was releasing another album! I was surprised because they had just released The Well Intentioned Virus about a year before, and here they were already announcing the … Continued
The Orchard: Best of 2017
Here is a sort of ‘best of’ list from last year. These were new to me in the last year, not all are from 2017, and Sole’s album just came out this year. There were three books that stuck with … Continued
January 2018 Table of Contents
Download a free PDF of this issue Read online at Scribd.com Action Spotlight: Don’t just complain about the world – do something to change it Freedom Firm is “dedicated to the liberation of children enslaved in commercial sexual exploitation, to … Continued