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Hard Rock/AOR
Apple Valley, California, USA

“Refuge were a short-lived Christian Rock band from Apple Valley, California active in the early 90s. This is the band’s only work released in 1992 through Rainbow Records in limited numbers, with clean vocals and gritty guitar licks but unfortunately poor production and recycle songwriting. Indeed there are some really good tunes well arranged and performed, but won’t help them for a growing fame. Rare stuff nowadays.”


1991 Demo
1992 II Samuel 22:3


1991 Independent

II Samuel 22:3

1992 Independent

  1. Refuge
  2. Armor of God
  3. He's Here Tonight
  4. Flee from Evil
  5. Time
  6. I Want to Be Free
  7. Victim
  8. Commit Yourself
  9. The Chosen Few
  10. Don't Play with Fire

refuge_california.1574374119.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/11/21 22:08 by admin