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The Music Assignment

Year: 1986
Genre: Alternative Rock, New Wave, Rock, Hard Rock, Folk, AOR
Producer: Tyler Bacon
City Ashgrove, Queensland, Australia

Track Listing

  1. SonIQ Freez - “Shock to the System”
  2. SonIQ Freez - “The Boss”
  3. Under New Management - “Ice Station Zero”
  4. Trish Mason - “I am God”
  5. Judah (Australia) - “His Lies”
  6. Judah (Australia) - “Pull Out Your Gun”
  7. Envoy (Australia) - “To Love You”
  8. Envoy (Australia) - “Child-Like Eyes”
  9. 59 (Australia) - “Show Me the Way”
  10. Steve and Elispbeth Peake - “Don’t Come Crying”
  11. This Way Up - “Beside Me Lord”
  12. Zion (Australia) - “Playing in the Night”
  13. Skylight - “Uncover Your Light”
  14. Common Destiny - “To Love You”
  15. Ben Koning and Gary Terrell - “He Never Said a Word”
the_music_assignment.1668915210.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/11/20 03:33 by admin