We are hard at work on the very first issue of Down the Line magazine. Which might not mean much to you now – but it will soon. We have some great interviews lined up. We already have a great story on the late, great Scaterd Few by Steve Ruff. Michael Knott and Writ on Water have also agreed to interviews and are working on questions as we speak. We should also be hearing from the bass player for L.S.Underground and Lifesavers: Joshua Lory. All of this AND news, interviews, opinion columns, and whatever else we can stuff in there by deadline.
We are still getting our bearings and directions, but we want to hear from you. Use the comments to let us know what you would like to read in future issues. Or let us know if you have a band that fits in to our mission statement that we may have missed out on.
The target date for Issue 1 is October 1st – if we get our interviews wrapped up. If not – we’ll just either delay the release date, or bump them up to future issues. That’s the great thing about doing a free online magazine with no budget – we can put as much as we want in each issue and set the release date when we want. Take that you corporate-owned, slave-to-the-grind major magazines!
(I’m sure that statement so made Rolling Stone wet in their pants…. we’re so intimidating and all….)
If everything works out, look for the cover story to feature MIchael Knott. We may even have a really cool cover image lined up for ya – details to be announced soon.