Can I subscribe to this magazine?

Yep – we offer an email service that let’s you get the newest issue PDF emailed straight to your in-box (or a link to the issue if you don’t want to mess with email attachments). You can also read online and follow us through one of those services. Click here to go to our subscribe page.


How much does this magazine cost?

Not one red cent. When was the last time you got something like this for free? So don’t gripe about the typos. I was probably just lazy that day. You can always donate something if you want, but we will run this magazine with the assumption that it will be distributed for free.


How often will this come out?

Well… we decided to put something out every 3 months if we can. But since this is all free and online – we can do more than that if we want. Or less, if life gets busy for us. Keep watch on this website for release dates of the next issue. But we promise no Chinese Democracies.

Well, we can’t say “promise”… more like, “strongly hope for”….


Where can I get a printed version?

We are proud to offer On-Demand printing: any time you demand a printed version, we point at the little printer icon on the toolbar and say “have at it!” (although we don’t recommend it because: 1) trees, and 2) lots of ink). We used to offer a professionally printed version through a service called MagCloud. This is also on-demand, so it will cost a bit more than other magazines. A few of the earliest issues can be found there. Click here to see our MagCloud page.


Can I advertise in your magazine?

Sure – but we will still print what we want to. Printing an ad won’t get us to cover your band, give a positive review to your CD, or give you free foot massages. But if you like what we cover and think that our audience will be interested in your product, see the submissions page.


Will you review my CD? Or, why did you not review my newest CD here?

If you are one of the bands that fit in to our vision statement – sure thing! Our only limitation is our budget – which is nothing until next payday or someone buys an ad. We can only review what we buy ourselves, so it may mean that some CDs just get missed for a while. If you want to send us an album for review please see the submissions page. If we get an album from you, we will review it.


Why haven’t you covered _____ – they fit in your mission statement thingy?

Only so much free time in one day dude. We will probably get to them soon. Send us note to let us know you want us to cover them. We listen. For real.


Why don’t you cover the newest, hottest, coolest bands on the planet?

Because there are a billion other magazines that do. Sorry they aren’t free like this one – but that means they just aren’t as cool as us. Or maybe stupid? But I would say go check them out anyway.


Can I write for your magazine?

Are you a glutton for punishment? We pay horribly (with a total income of $0, you do the math)… but have a lot of fun along the way. Of course, we will want to read some of your stuff before we say ‘yes.’ Where we probably need the most writing help is with concert reviews since we have day jobs and just can’t travel all over to see many bands. But other things are possible. See the submissions page for details.