Thumper Punk Records and Raven Faith Records are pleased to announce the release of the “Food For Life Ministry Benefit Compilation,” an album featuring new and previously unreleased hardcore, punk, acoustic and pop songs donated by 22 bands to raise money to support the efforts of the Food For Life Ministry ( Based in the Inland Empire (east of Los Angeles, California), Food For Life Ministry is committed to serving those in need with food and encouragement. Food For Life Ministry desires to care for the whole person, providing food for the body and nourishment for the soul.
“For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger, and you invited Me in.” – Matthew 25:35
All profits from this album go to the Food For Life Ministry. Available for purchase in CD format from the Thumper Punk Records webstore (, and digital versions are available now at the Thumper Punk bandcamp page ( Digital versions will also soon be available for purchase through iTunes, AmazonMP3 and the usual suspects. All praise and glory to Him.