“We are just to excited about this upcoming year and what Roxx Records has in store for you that we are going to go ahead and let the cat out of the bag early to our facebook fans only for now until the full details come out very soon!
We are going to be releasing not 1, but 2, very cool Limited Edition Vinyl releases in Q2 of 2014.
1. Ultimatum – Heart of Metal – Side A will contain the new tracks and Side B the remastered Into The Pit tracks! Limited to 250 or 300 copies!
The first 100 will be flourescent ‘Ultimatum’ Green!
# 2 drum roll please………
DELIVERANCE – WEAPONS OF OUR WARFARE! Remastered for vinyl! ONLY 300 COPIES!!!! Colors TBD!
We are shooting on having released by Record Store Day on April 19, 2014 but full release details are forthcoming in the next couple of weeks!
But up first we have the new release from ForChristSake and also full details on the Taker release for a March release date coming next week!!!!
Stay Tuned! 2014 is already looking good!”