This was just posted by Joshua Lory: “Got my notes ready, practice, practice, practice (by myself right now). No solid date yet, but I think we have a venue picked out, should be in September sometime, looking like Oakland, Ca will be the city. Michael Knott, myself, Matt Biggers, Nick White, and Jafar Rafee Green will be playing the entire Rocket And A Bomb album live (upon availability of these musicians) to celebrate it’s 20 year mark. I’m sure a few other tunes will be tagged on to the set. Brian Healy was kind enough to offer Dead Artist Syndrome as an opener! Todd A. Zeller has offered to film the show! While Mike is up visiting, he and I will be recording a new EP to be released on 7″ vinyl, CD, and download. What this means is a Kickstarter will be launched to cover cost of making DVD’s of Rocket And A Bomb Live and the EP. I’ll keep everyone posted on when everything is happening as soon as I have the details.”