The electronic 2-song Bram Cools bandcamp single ‘Sell everything you have and give it to the poor‘ has been released. It features an unheard version of a live sing-along classic that has no definitive recorded version to date, and a semi-instrumental B-side called “Stephen, they’re gonna stone you to death!”
If you like the song you can download it, share it, or very easily learn to play it yourself (the whole song is based on different combinations of G, C and D).
The single was originally supposed to be the fore-runner of the never-finished album ‘Happy Christian Music for the Conservative Middleclass’ from the late ’00’s which is still unfinished at the moment but might resurface one day. Other songs from that album are the rather scary ‘I was hungry‘, a different version of ‘gentiles‘, and thisouverture.
PS: Find more Bram Cools music for download at (All music is currently ‘choose your price’)