In August of 2005, a unique event took place in Southern California. It was a concert featuring names not heard of, or from, in years. Yet it was anything but a nostalgic golden oldies show of bands and an audience attempting to relive their youth. It was part celebration, part reunion, and part acknowledgement of what once was and still is.
It was a call to home.
A few fans on the bands websites started telling their friends. Youth pastors, who had been teenagers in 1985, heard about the show and were asking their church bookstores to sell tickets and promote it. We began hearing from people outside of the country. Finland, Russia, The Philippines. These fans were so excited about the prospect of seeing this lineup one more time that they were purchasing airline tickets and flying in from halfway around the world for the one-night “once more only” event.
So Now What?
Now we want to release the concert on DVD and we need your help!
- We have over 3 1/2 hours of live concert footage which has already been edited.
- We have mixes from each band.
- We simply need the money to put it all together and get it to you.
We also want you to get some cool stuff. Our rewards include exclusive phones calls from band members, one-of-a-kind items, Kickstarter campaign T-shirt, concert photo albums, handwritten lyrics, and some of our very own memorabilia. Many band members have offered to donate keepsakes they’ve been holding on to for years. Not only can you get something new, but you can get (in the upper rewards) some of the stuff from our very own attics!
How Can You Help?
Sign-up. Pledge. Share. Pray.
- Sign-up for the Kickstarter today.
- Pledge on the Kickstarter. The new way to pre-order. We have to make our goal, which is large, or we can’t make this DVD into a reality! We need your help!
- Share this information with your friends and like Take 2 Productions on Facebook to see updates, sneak peeks, and launch information.
- Pray for us, our families, and everyone working on this project.