Help Grave Robber Release “Escaping The Grave” on Vinyl

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“Hey there! Here’s a message from Grave Robber concerning their Escaping The Grave vinyl release! The band is releasing this vinyl ON THEIR OWN. Please pick up a copy if you are able!

Greetings. . .

Thank you for taking the time to read this. You are so very important to us! NO BAND does it alone. We don’t have big money behind us. Never did. What we DO have is loyal fans worldwide who support what we do. I want to take a moment to thank you for that. If you don’t support us, we may as well just stop. We will never move beyond where we are without The Reanimator and YOU!

We are trying to get Escaping The Grave out on VINYL!!!


-WE NEED 100 PRE-ORDERS. . . WE HAVE 20. . .”