“In 1992, Michael Knott’s band L.S. Underground released their rock opera The Grape Prophet. It tells the story of Ellis, an orange picker who is sent by his boss Col. Peckesen to rescue his fellow pickers from the clutches of the Grape Prophet, who has lured them away. Both sonically and lyrically, the album was a revelation, and has remained a favorite of fans and critics ever since.
Originally released on CD and cassette by Knott’s own Blonde Vinyl Records, the album has been out of print for over 25 years. We plan to remedy that! We are working with Adam Boose to remaster the album for vinyl and digital (He’s worked with some of our favorite artists, including Guided By Voices, Joy Electric, CUSH and Brandston). Michael Knott and Rick McDonough are also going into the studio to record brand-new acoustic renditions of two of the tracks: “Ellis in the Orchard” and “She Said”!”