Bill Mallonee’s Glimmer is Now Available

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“In case you haven’t heard – we’ve done a bit of a pivot here. Glimmer Vol. 1 will now have it’s “birthday” Via Bandcamp as a download. We should have a pdf file for you free of charge by the end of the week. Glimmer dropped today at

Honestly? I spoke to this in my last update on Kickstarter a few days a go, but given the amount of stress & cajoling and I feel like I’ve had to do in the past just to make a Kickstarter approach succeed, changing course and going with is by far & away the best thing. Designer Jason Horst’s art work pdf will be everything that would have gone on the heretofore planned CD & sonic guru Chris Bethea’s mastering is stellar.

Me? I feel extremely confident that you’ll dig Glimmer. It’s a sweet ride. A great record for Spring & Summer. Hope you’ll pre-order! After you’ve listened, why not write & send in your own review at BandCamp?

Again, the new album drops this Friday, so pre-order now, if so inclined…
