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Punk Rock
Sunland, California, USA

C.R.O.S.S. stands for “Christians Rebelling Over Satan's System.” Rich Carlstedt had formerly been in a punk band called Dead to Sin, and would later form The Israelites.


1987 Banned
2023 Live at His Festival 1987 Godcore Records


1987 Independent

Live at His Festival 1987

2023 Godcore Records

Rich Carlstedt

  1. I Love You
  2. Slamming in the Depths of Hell
  3. God's Not Dead
  4. Satan Sucks
  5. Unknown
  6. Banned
  7. Repent or Die
  8. Straight Edge

c.r.o.s.s.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/22 18:27 by admin