So you have probably guessed by now that the July issue is a little… delayed. Its not gone – in fact, it is mostly complete and should be out next week! Look forward to a cover story on The Violet Burning, as well as interviews with The Lost Dogs, Men As Trees Walking, Monty Colvin (Galactic Cowboys/Crunchy), Tim McAllister (Flock 14, World Theater), Jim Wiita, and [R]Topia.
The delay has been caused by a few interesting developments behind the scenes taking up our free time. It seems like we are always talking about new things that are happening… and then never making any announcements. But if you are friends with the right people on Facebook, you might have read some rumors about what we are working on. Hopefully in the next couple of months, you will start seeing the actual fruit of these mysterious conversations.
Until then… check out the Basement Tapes! The newest issue features Josh Lory, writer for DTL and member of L.S.Underground, Lifesavors, Bloody Strummers, etc. This recent episode features an older band Josh was in called Soul Reaction. Did you know that many of the bands featured on the Basement Tapes actually gives their music away for download or streaming for free? If you listen, they usually tell you where or how. So check it out!
very cool update! I love that the hypertext of “right people” goes straight to the VoA fanpage…………”wars and rumours of wars…..” plod on, my fellow weirdo’s…………..