Be Our Fan on FaceBook!

posted in: Random | 0

We finally moved on to FaceBook!  You can see the widget on the left to be a fan, or go to this link: We’re trying to move more out into the social web, so start looking for more stuff … Continued

Print Version of Issue 3 Now Available

posted in: New Issue | 0

Sorry for the delay, but if you are interested in buying a print version of issue 3, you can now do that through MagCloud.  Prices start at about $7.80 for standard shipping in the U.S.  See this page:

Issue # 3 is Out!

posted in: New Issue | 6

Sorry for the delay – again!  Issue # 3 is out and ready for download!  See the current link above or to the right.  This issue features a lot of content – interviews with Mike Stand (Altar Boys/Clash of Symbols/Altar … Continued

Late, But Huge

posted in: New Issue | 0

We had planned to try and get Issue 3 out by now, but life just got in the way.  All of the articles are in, but there is that pesky task of laying the whole thing out.  Which actually starts … Continued