Steve’s Corner October 2010

I feel like I am always apologizing for the current issue being late. This one is once again a bit behind, but the next one is well underway and I am making my best attempts to get all my stuff in to Matt on time for the next one. Sometimes life gets in the way. We have some cool things in the works, thanks for hanging in and reading the issues as they come out. This one was cool to do, I regret it coming out after Halloween with the cool tattoo spread that we did.

The Fall season is upon us, and November looks like a good month. So far I have a Bill Mallonee show on the calendar, as well as tickets to see Nick Cave’s band Grinderman. There is so much great music out there and this issue is packed with tremendous artists, and we have a bunch of new artists in our reviews section as well.

I wanted to also say something about how cool I think it was for me to go back and listen to this part two interview with Sterling. I have said before how much I really enjoy listening to people and seeing the journey that they are on. Sterling has been really open and let us in on the path that he is on as he is trying to figure out where all the pieces fit in his own life. In this part of the interview it is hard to really convey the emotion that was going on if you were not there listening to the conversation, but it was heavy with emotion, with tears and with truth. I offer thanks again for Sterling taking the time, and we will have one more to go with him next issue.

Also, Matt and I need to figure out a good contest. Sterling donated the original artwork to the Veil of Ashes album The Young and Reckless: The Regression of Veil of Ashes. It is an awesome piece of artwork! So keep an eye out for that!

Posted in In The Magazine, October 2010 | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Steve’s Corner July 2010

There are a couple of things I want to make sure that I note in this issue. These things came in and I forgot to get them to Matt in time. Herb Grimaud’s project The Sound Gallery will be hopefully working on some new music soon, but in the meantime Herb is releasing all Sound Gallery albums for free downloads at If you are into dark ambient music the Sound Gallery is right up your alley. Also tune in to the new band that Herb is in, Stranger Kings, as they release new music track by track.

Due to legal reasons, Josh Lory has changed the name of his group from Western Grace to Patriots of the Wasteland. Also, for the first time we are featuring an article by Josh in this issue, typically he writes a bunch of reviews but this time he decided to do both. Check out his picture and see his new baby girl as well, congratulations to him and Brenda!

I hope that everyone reading enjoys this issue, sorry that it was late getting out, that was my fault. I’m really pleased with all the people we were able to interview, it was a bunch of fun to do. What else? I saw Bill Mallonee and his wife Muriah Rose play again a few weeks ago. They are amazing artists who never cease to wow me each time I see them. There is an amazing project in the works that pertains to Bill, keep your eyes and ears open. Until the next time, be blessed in all that you do…

Posted in In The Magazine, July 2010 | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Steve’s Corner Homosexuality God and the Church

Homosexuality is a hot button topic in the church. It ranks right up there with the abortion debate, but homosexuality employs many other side issues as well. The “is it or isn’t it sin” debate rages, and depending on where you land on that question, the “what do we do with it now” debate rages as well. It encompasses the issue of civil unions, gay marriage and the ever unfolding wide ranging debate of equality. For this writer I have heard many stances taken on homosexuality through the years growing up in the church and being around other believers. This issue appears to be one that really gets at the core of what we believe, and for so many other issues in the church, homosexuality is a lightning rod of controversy, sympathy, apathy and even hate. In my opinion, we make theological bubbles and theological excuses for many things, but never for homosexuality. Again, just my opinion here, but I think this is something the church doesn’t really understand and know how to deal with, so it’s just easier to put it in a box and be done with it.

This is not an attempt to argue for or against homosexuality – that is something that every person can do for themselves. This is an attempt to shed light on the way that the church has treated this issue, and these people, down through the decades. This is a small attempt to give voice to some of my favorite musicians in regards to this subject. Most everyone reading this has been touched personally by the music of The Altar Boys, Undercover, Veil of Ashes, King’s X, and Dead Artist Syndrome. I have been personally impacted in various ways by these bands down through the years, and I wanted to give them the voice to share their story, the way they lived it and the things they encountered from their perspective.

In trying to decide the most effective way to get these stories across, we figured a straight question & answer format was best. These are word for word in the artist’s language, exactly as they expressed themselves. Matt and I batted a couple of ideas back and forth about how to do this, and we decided to completely steer clear of theology and politics, we just want you to read these stories as they were told to us. Politics and theology do nothing but divide and dissect, but I figure that everyone reading this likes good music, and I’m sure we can agree on one thing; that it is long since time we put down our judgments, our ideas and our differences, and we learned to listen and to love in spite of ourselves and in spite of our own preconceived notions. People are people, we all are trying to just figure things out and make the best of ourselves in the best way we can. We all come into this place kicking and screaming, and trying to just learn to live inside of our own skin can be a daunting task at best. There is always at least one thing that people can find common ground on, let’s start there and find our similarities and not our differences. It’s a big world full of people and ideals that are created by something so much bigger then us. I’m sure there are some issues that are just beyond a simple cut and dried answer or response.

I want to thank Sean, Ric and dUg for allowing me to pry into their personal life and for being so open, honest and forthright. I feel blessed to be able to talk with some of my favorite musicians about their art, their lives and their journey. I hope the interviews here are read, appreciated and can open up dialogue about an issue that touches most all of us, even if only from a distance. Thanks for taking the time to read.

Posted in Homosexuality God and the Church, In The Magazine | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

Steve’s Corner April 2010

This has been a tremendous endeavor this go around! Not only did we get a big music issue, we also have the additional special issue about to come out. We are busy, busy, busy here at Down The Line! There are some cool things lined up for the future as far as more special issues, and we also have a really cool Down The Line t-shirt coming out with a great picture that Matt came up with and one of our favorite artists turned into their own.

I was really stoked to get an interview with everyone found in this issue, and I hope that you guys will check out the links found at the bottom of these reviews and articles. Dave Quiggle has a big portfolio on his website, it’s really cool to go back and take a look at how his talent has grown through the years. I have more Quiggle designs than anyone else when it comes to my tattoos, so it was a pretty cool thing to talk to him. I put a picture below of some old tattoo flash that hangs on my wall, these were Quiggle designs from years ago.

Make sure you check out the new L.S. Underground if you haven’t already. I think it’s great, probably the best yet for this listener. There is a review of the classic L.S. Underground album The Grape Prophet in the back of the ‘zine, if you follow that link you can find purchase details for the download, it’s very cool that has become available again for fans!

Okay, what’s left…? I hope everyone reading this had a great Easter, it’s a time of thanks for the amazing gift of salvation and grace. I need it more and more everyday in my life. Please continue to remember those in Haiti who have endured such tragedy, as well as the families of the victims in Chile, Japan and California. Seems everyday there is another tragic earthquake. Please continue to also remember Brian Healy and his family in your prayers, they still need miracles in regards to Brian’s health and all that comes with that. Be blessed in all that you do…

Posted in April 2010, In The Magazine | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Steve’s Corner December 2009

This has been one of the hardest issues to get together for a number of reasons. It is our most ambitious issue to date, and by that I mean it is the largest. Since the last issue my wife and I have had a rocky path to travel… I lost my job, which is as scary as it gets. We prayed, stressed, freaked out, prayed some more and then started our own thing with a business partner who offered us a great opportunity. Even great opportunities are stressful though, and it has been a crazy journey over the last 4 months. Seems like it is starting to even out now.

One thing that I would like to share because it has been on my heart and my mind a good bit the last few months… there is a truth that I am learning in a whole new way and it is, “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness. Most gladly therefore, I will rather boast about my weakness, that the power of Christ may dwell in me” (2 Corinthians 12:9). I have seen the grace of God through some difficult circumstances the last few months, and while I am a poor example of what is ‘pure and holy’ on most days, I am humbled by the grace and love of my God… that He still loves and takes care of me (and my family) like He does, even in spite of myself. It is a truth worth sharing…

I am so pleased to bring this issue out. It has many diverse bands that are all amazing in their varied genres. The cover story with Bill Mallonee has been a long time coming. Bill is one of my favorite artists, definitely in the top 5 of all time favorites for me. I feel fortunate to call Bill a friend, and I am so pleased that we at Down The Line could promote him in the little way that we have available. Check out his music by following the links found in the article, and support his art! He has over 30 albums available for download through his website, and almost each one is only $7.99! This is truly independent, grass roots and word of mouth. (other links found in the article)

(photo below courtesy of Mike Kanski)

Posted in December 2009, In The Magazine | Tagged | Leave a comment

Steve’s Corner August 2009

This was quite an exciting issue to put together. I love many different genres of music, and the “goth” scene is one of those. Defining “goth” is about the same as defining “punk”. It means different things to different people. There are some definite elements that are the same across the board, but really it is hard to pin down exactly what “goth” is. The bands in this issue are powerful and full of emotion which is something that I love. I think we chose bands that run the gamut of styles within the goth scene. I first started listening to this style of music when I was a teenager, and interviewing Brian Healy was very cool. I have been a fan of Dead Artist Syndrome since I first heard Prints Of Darkness, I was probably only 16 or 17 then. Look for Brian to also start contributing some articles and interviews here at Down The Line. I can assure you, he is entertaining…

I did want to include Saviour Machine in this issue. It isn’t fair to do an all goth issue and not have Eric Clayton in here. We tried to line that up. I am a HUGE fan of Saviour Machine, I have loved their music since day one, and I listen to them routinely. The Mask 1 album is tattooed down my right forearm, and I have some of Eric’s lyrics tattooed on my left forearm… yes, I am a fan! I will say this and this only, Eric will have his say at Down The Line… keep your eyes opened in the future!

So, read on! We ask for feedback as this issue should stir many readers here, Brian’s interview is quite provoking. Let us know what you like, who else you want to see in future issues, and please visit the websites of these bands, check them out and help support their art!

Posted in August 2009, In The Magazine | Tagged | 1 Comment

Steve’s Corner April 2009

This was an email that was sent out to Bill Mallonee’s mailing list. I thought it was a great little write up/story, so I figured it would make a great column this issue. I consider Bill Mallonee and his wife my friends, and I genuinely admire them and respect them for their honesty and integrity. I’ve seen Bill get kicked around quite a bit online… that coupled with the fact that I don’t think his music gets the attention it deserves is a blow that would probably drop a lesser person. I’m glad that I have this forum to express my admiration for them, and I’m glad that Bill still puts out the most consistent, well-written Americana/Folk that I know of. I, for one, need his music in my life.

Bill Mallonee / Vigilantes of Love Bio Quotes: Athens, Ga.


– Review Quotes –

Bill Mallonee: #65 in Paste Magazine’s “100 Greatest Living Songwriter’s” Poll

“The poetry and intelligence of Bill Mallonee’s songs rivals Dylan’s, and the spirituality and inspiration of them is like the timeless hymns. He’s one of my favorite all time artists.” –Buddy Miller (No Depression Magazine’s Artist of the Decade)

“…the best folk-rock act nobody’s ever hear of…” – New York Press

“Bill Mallonee… [has] remained fascinated with the shadowy emotional toils and struggles inherent in the American experience, compelling, insightful, [he] continues to probe through Americana rock and roll proving that sometimes the only story worth telling is that of the journey.” – Rolling Stone

“Dylan-tinged vocal and introspective lyrics that spin out big-picture stories imbued with chilling small details.” – Billboard

“Mallonee’s songs give words to shadowy fears of intimacy, of its loss, even of the value of what he feels compelled to do.” – USA Today

Related links:

To hear Bill Mallonee/Vigilantes of Love work check: Works Progress Administration:

Bill Mallonee / Vigilantes of Love:

To purchase Bill Mallonee / VoL albums, including WPA projects:

Bill Mallonee News:


Booking Info:

Posted in April 2009, In The Magazine | Tagged | Leave a comment

Steve’s Corner January 2009

Man… sorry this issue was a little late getting out there. It was cram time for sure with all the holidays and stuff going on.  Thanks to Matt for pulling this one off, I constantly was saying, “I’ll get it to you today; I’ll get it to you today, blah, blah, blah.” It seems sometimes I just get a little ahead of myself. I am excited about this issue; there is a bunch of cool stuff. Brian‘s cover shot was cool. Rick McDonough has been generous with us and taking great photos that we need. We also have a sort of “collector’s edition” coming in the next couple of weeks. Originally we were doing a story on Gene Eugene. That story grew and grew and grew until we decided that it could fill up its own issue. Look for that soon, and then we should be back on track for the next issue to hit in April. The Gene story has numerous contributions from several band mates, friends and family. I hope that you find the story with Brian compelling, and maybe someone that you know will benefit from reading it. Now, a request… visit the website and leave us feedback. It helps to know what you guys think. I tend to write the way I like to read and I like reading more quotes from the artist and less from the writer, but in the end that ends up being long. So give us some feedback on how we’re doing. Have a great New Year!

Posted in In The Magazine, January 2009 | Tagged , | Leave a comment

Steve’s Corner October 2008

This has been a blast! I want to say thanks to Matt for making this all come together, I look forward to doing this as long as we can get good articles, and there is definitely no shortage of great music so we should be set for a long time. To anyone reading this magazine, please leave us feedback about what you think. We would also like to hear who you would like to see covered in the pages of Down The Line.

Doing this interview with Knott was heavy, it is a heavy subject but hopefully everyone reading here will do something pro-active, whether it’s calling or emailing your Congressmen and women and asking for help for these soldiers that need it so badly. Get online, educate yourself about PTSS, and above all please pray for these soldiers, that the help they need would become available. When Michael and I were talking, I was telling him a story that Bill Mallonee had shared with me. We were going to include it in the article, but the article became so long that we cut it out. I want to share that story with you here, because fortunately, this story had a good ending. Bill covered this guy in a couple of his songs, “Vet” and “Friendly Fire”.

Bill was working in a psych ward many years ago, and this guy came in to get help. Bill’s job was to take notes, write them on the charts for the doctors to read. This veteran relayed his story to Bill… he had served in Vietnam, and his job in Vietnam was to guard the airfield where the cargo helicopters would land. The Vietcong would send these women and children out with armloads of what appeared to be food, but packed underneath were explosives. The obvious thought here was that if these women or children could get close enough to the helicopters, they could throw these explosives in the open bay doors, blow up the helicopters, and take out the supply lines. This soldier’s job was to take out the women and children if they didn’t heed the warnings to stop. This veteran had internalized this horror for years. He was suffering from PTSS and he had reached out. This guy had never even told his wife what had happened when he served in the military, he kept it all in until he had no other option but to seek help. The good news was that this guy was finally able to open up, share what he had been going through with his wife, his doctors and his pastor, and get the help he so badly needed. Bill never saw him again. The point is, when this guy needed help, it was there. These soldiers deserve to come home and be able to get treatment when they need it.

Thanks for reading this, and I hope that you will tell all of your friends about Down The Line magazine. We are already at work on issue number two, and I can assure you that it will be fantastic! If you want to email me directly about stuff you would like to see my email address is Again, please leave us comments and feedback about the magazine, thanks for reading and please support all of these artists directly by buying directly from them.

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