2Minute Minor – Snake That Ate Its Own Tail

The old school punk banner is still waving strong on 2Minute Minor’s new album. Or is it a double sided ep? You see, the first five songs were recorded with their old line-up, while the last 6 were recorded with a new line-up. That is also how they break up the two sides for the 7-inch vinyl. Yeah, this whole album fits on a 7-inch vinyl, so they are fast, short songs. Glad to see 2Minute Minor singing about love and unity among fellow humans – we need more of that. The song “Wesley Willis” is about a legendary figure in the Chicago music scene (NOT the lead singer of this band as I mistakenly thought at first) featuring an appearance by Omar “Bulldog” Higgins of Negro Terror. Omar has unfortunately passed away, but you should find his band’s music and check them out. They are awesome as well. The last song – “Snake That Ate Its Own Tail” – is the one that seems dial in an old school punk / crossover sound the best. Maybe on purpose? Anyways, glad to see 2Minute Minor still going, and I hope we see more music from them in the future as well.

[2019 Zap Records | Purchase: https://2minuteminor.bigcartel.com/]

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