Rapture – Trials EP

posted in: August 2015, Music Review | 0

Rapture-TrialsEPMore hardcore? You bet. Rapture is another old school hardcore band, along the variety that leans more towards thrash with nu-metalish break downs. The vocals are a bit more higher pitched than you usually hear in hardcore – which works for me to differentiate their sound, but might not win over people who want the same old same old. But they do mix things up with gang-shouted vocals. A short ep that you can pick up for free from OnTheAttack records.

[2015 OnTheAttack Records | Purchase: ontheattackrecords.bandcamp.com]

Half Bomber – Prink

posted in: August 2015, Music Review | 0

half-bomber-prinkI have reviewed many good punk bands recently, but Half Bomber quickly jumps to the top of the heap in my mind. Maybe it’s because they really aren’t strictly punk, but have a driving math rock/hardcore/alternative rock sensibility to their sound. I also hear a slight 90s emo influence in there. A bit hard to pin down exactly, but they are also not out somewhere in left field. There are only three songs on this EP (and a bonus live cover) that you can get for free at the Veritas Vinyl BandCamp site. Recommended if you want something a bit different but still catchy.

[2015 Veritas Vinyl } Download: veritasvinyl.bandcamp.com]

Glower – The Circle Binds

posted in: August 2015, Music Review | 0

Describing the sound of Glower is a bit hard – yes, there is an obvious 90s alt rock influence, but they aren’t stuck in the past, either. Various influences from the 90s, 00s, and 10s are all mixed together and melded into a coherent style that really works. The album opener “Low Motion” is a catchy crunchy rock song that mixes the best of the last three decades. “Spectra” is a groove rock track that will definitely sound great live. “Black Hole Baby” is revisited from their split with …Of Sinking Ships. Still a great song. Most of the album finds the band in “driving rock guitars” mode, but the albums closer “The Circle Binds” calms it down for a nice acoustic closer. Overall, a stellar album that will be released soon on vinyl. Grab a copy and check out the outstanding artwork while you are at it. Also, look for an interview in the next issue of Down The Line.

[2015 Broken Cirlce Records. Purchase: brokencircles.limitedrun.com]

Judgment Day – The Altar

posted in: August 2015, Music Review | 0

JudgmentDay-TheAltarI’m still pretty amazed that old school hardcore is having such a comeback recently. Judgement Day sounds like they could be the lead off track from Helpless Amoungst Friends Volume 23 – if that series had kept going. Not everything is stuck in the 90s on here – “Seek” and other songs have some break neck thrash-like parts crammed in between the sludgy break downs. These guys ooze passion and conviction – or should I say they hurl it out at excessive velocity? Intense hardcore that has my attention.

[2015 On The Attack Records | Purchase: ontheattackrecords.bandcamp.com]

Flukt – Holocaust

posted in: August 2015, Music Review | 0

flukt-holocaustFlukt is described as old school black metal online, and that is pretty accurate description. This is a short ep (4 songs) – so if you somewhat like black metal, but don’t feel like you can handle a full length disc, this is perfect for you. The mix on this ep is good and gives some distinction to various parts of the song, which is what I like to hear in black metal. The musicianship is also fairly tight, so the overall effect comes across as more professional than many of the black metal bands that are out there. If you have been jonesing for some new extreme music, I recommend this as a good fix. Intense, brutal, black.

[2015 Sky Burns Black Records | Purchase: skyburnsblack.bandcamp.com]

Dann Gunn – Where The Story Goes

posted in: August 2015, Music Review | 0

a0776224382_16Way back in the 90s, an unknown band by the name of Velocipede came out of nowhere with a sound few were familiar with, grabbed a record deal with R.E.X. Records, released a record that gained critical acclaim, and disappeared about as quickly as they appeared on the scene. For those wondering what happened to the band, front man Dann Gunn has been releasing solo albums every few years on his own. Where The Story Goes is his latest solo outing, which shows Gunn still know how to write a catchy tune and dial in just the perfect amount of heaviness. Gunn’s passionate vocals are the centerpiece here – while most people that go for the “power-house” style vocals sound like they are straining to birth a dinosaur while singing, Gunn’s vocals come out smooth and natural. The overall sound here is a bit hard to classify exactly – the crushing guitars of Velocipede are still present (although a little less distorted and easier to discern in the mix than they were on Sane), but some parts have an industrial metal vibe, while others swerve into 90s guitar alternative territory. This is quality music better than most songs on the radio, but of course you won’t hear them playing there because there is not a hint of Coldplay or Mumford in the mix. Which is a good thing. Check this out on BandCamp and then grab a download or CD to support independent musicians making great music.

[2015 Independent | Purchase: danngunn.bandcamp.com]

Mike Indest – The Moment Before You Arrive

posted in: August 2015, Music Review | 0

a2577876334_2Mike Indest: poet, prophet, musician, theologian, podcaster, tour guider… the man of many hats. He kind of has his own sound that is easy to recognize once you start listening to his music. Alternative / indie / folk / melancholy / deep – if all of that rolled into one was a thing. This time around he has teamed up with Dw Dunphy as producer to add a new direction to his sound that is different but still Indestian. Not sure what they are feeding these DTL Collective peeps (especially since we don’t pay them anything, not even peanuts), But it seems they are all turning in personal best recordings recently. Of course, the glue behind the collective is Indest and his podcast, so it only makes sense that the man that has driven many of the Collective to take it up a notch has stepped things up himself. Here’s the deal: you can listen or download this album for free at BandCamp, so all I am really trying to convince you to do is go give it a spin. I’m pretty sure that you will love it once you try it. But I get it – the problem is that you have so much to do that you need something to convince you to click the play button. You see, Indest and Dunphy are fans of many of the bands we cover here at DTL. They (and the Collective) would be the bands and artists getting signed to the labels we all used to hold dear if they were still around. They have the talent and the song writing ability to prove it. They just need you to give them a shot. So click the link below and click the play button, and then download it once you love it. Download counts really do matter to these indie BandCamp bands.

[2015 Independent | Download: mikeindest.bandcamp.com]

Luxury – Trophies

posted in: August 2015, Music Review | 0

trophiesHow can a band like Luxury take so much time off from recording and still manage to pull together a full album that sounds like they never dropped a beat? Must be something in the beards. If 90s indie rock had been able to keep growing and moving forward instead of turning into another musical cliché, I bet it would sound a lot like Trophies. Throw in a few modern sounds and a handful of retro-80s influences and you have the unique mix that is Luxury. For those that put off supporting the Kickstarter because you weren’t sure if they could pull off another classic, time to repent and go order this now. I don’t think physical products are available yet, but you can get the download by pre-ordering the vinyl. I can’t wait for the vinyl to arrive.

[2014 Independent | Purchase: luxury.bandcamp.com]

Steve Taylor & The Perfect Foil – Goliath

posted in: August 2015, Music Review | 0

goliathYou have probably read the hype on this album, so why should I review this album again? Because it really is that great, and some of you cynical music diehards out there might need one more gushing review to win you over. I would never, ever gush in a review, but to call this album a great record is an understatement. To be honest, I wasn’t quite sure about this album based on the singles that were released before it came out. They were good, but worthy of the collaborators that came together to make them? I was on the fence. But listening to the whole product from beginning to end kicked me in the teeth and knocked me flat off that fence. When I came to, I was on the convinced side. So what does that mean to those still sitting on the fence? This works as an album. Once you get this as an album, even the individual songs will sound like they work better as a single. And come on – it’s Steve Taylor, Jimmy Abegg, John Mark Painter, and Pete Furler. Right, I know fans of the first three might be suspicious of the last one, but I think he’s kind of proven himself over the past few years to those that never got into the Newsboys. This has all of the wit, satire, quirk, and rock that you would come to expect from this combination of artists. So set the jaded cynicism aside (there is a Mumford & Sons album coming out soon that is probably more deserving of it, anyways) and give this one a spin.

[2014 Splint Entertainment | Purchase: facebook.com/SteveTaylorPresents]

Jupiter 6 – Moveable Walls

posted in: August 2015, Music Review | 0

moveablewallsJimmy Brown of Deliverance/Fearful Symmetry returns with a new Jupiter 6 album. The CD liner may only list five songs, but this is a full length album. The opening track is an epic song that almost reaches the 20 minute mark. Of course, it is broken down into several sections, so it never really gets boring. This time around, Jupiter 6’s mixture of heavy alternative is more influenced by Pink Floyd than David Bowie, but it still works well. Moveable Walls is more melodic than Back From Mars – nothing really seems to hit the same fist pumping groove that the first album had in places. This is more along the lines of thinking man/progressive metal than industrial metal. If you missed out the pre-order, you might have also missed the chance to get the bonus disc of unreleased material. Better hurry if you want to grab that one. Brown continues to display his musical flexibility.

[2014 Roxx Records | Purchase: roxxrecords.storenvy.com]